Christian Poetry Swap: Praising God in Every Season with Molly McTernan

I'm so excited to have one of my dear friends and a fellow author on the blog today! Molly is a poet and author who is passionate about Jesus. Her poems are continually a comfort and encouragement to me, and I can't wait for you to read her words today. And while you're at it, go check out her blog where you can find my poem here! Without further ado, here is Molly's poem, Even So, I Praise You...

by Molly McTernan
Sometimes I sit here lonely
Just me, my thoughts, my pen
And sometimes I sit together
Though I too feel alone then
Even so, I praise You
Sometimes my cup is half full
And I can’t hide my delight
Yet sometimes it’s half empty
But I still smile despite
Even so, I praise You
Sometimes bad things happen
And grief tugs at my heart
Oh, sometimes good things happen
I’m no longer torn apart
Even so, I praise You
Sometimes I sit on mountain peaks
Wind whistling through my hair
And sometimes I lay in valleys low
With memories pricking me there
Even so, I praise You
“It’s hard.” They say. “I know,” I reply
“But I trust what God has in store.”
His will stand firm above my life
Through ups and downs, therefore…
Even so, I praise You


Molly McTernan is an aspiring author who writes with one desire: to glorify the Creator. When Molly isn't writing, she can be found reading, playing her violi,n or spending time with her family and many pets. Molly loves going for bike rides, buying a multitude of used books, receiving and sending letters and emails, and Australian licorice. You can find her online at her website where she blogs about faith, reading, and writing.
Molly is also an Elevated Faith Ambassador and you can use her code MMcTernan15 for 15% off any of your purchases!

Wasn't that lovely? Have you read Molly's poetry before? Do you find it harder to praise God in the valleys, mountaintops, or mundane? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
I loved this, Molly! 🤗 (And your bio picture is so pretty! 🤗😋)
Oh my word, Molly, that is SUCH a good poem!! Well done, my friend!
And I love this swap, girls!! It's so fun!! <33
That's a great poem!